Rework: Reading experience

Devansh Gupta
1 min readJan 10, 2022

I recently finished reading my first book “Rework”. It’s was super easy to read, has lots of graphics. I got to know about this book from Ankur Warikoo’s Youtube channel.


This book talks about new over conventional business practices. Author David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried share their experiences while developing their multi-million business.

Good Read For

This book is a great read for small business owners, Entrepreneurs, and Students aspiring to develop some business and management skills.
If you are trying to develop a reading habit, This book is what you can start with.

Some notable learnings

1. Workaholism is overrated, it only leads to fatigue.
2. Develop products that solve your own problem, If you loved your product many wills.
3. Meetings are productivity killers, try to make them concise and targeted.
4. Showcase your product to your market ASAP, don’t try to be a perfectionist.
5. Don’t plan too ahead in time, Everything is uncertain too much planning only kills your time.
6. Use your resources efficiently, you can innovate in constrained environments only.
7. Make short term targets, achieving them brings motivation
8. Develop company culture from consistent behavior and not with help rule books.
9. Resume tells nothing, They are past experiences no one can validate them actually try to have some assessments.
10. Have an ownership mindset, own your mistakes.

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